Our lessons are designed to learn through games and having fun. We cater for beginners, intermediate and confidence building. All ages from preschool to adults are welcome. Our riding lessons are personalized to meet the rider's needs.
Our lessons include:
Staying safe around your pony
Catching and tacking up your pony
Caring for and knowing your tack (horse equipment)
Balance and confidence
Position and basic flat work
Basic jumping lessons
Caring for your pony –worming, shoeing, dentistry, feeding etc.
All staff over 18 have working with children checks
Accredited National Coaching Accreditation Scheme (NCAS) instructors
First Aider on site for all lessons
There are regular pre-booked lesson places available held during school terms (10 week lesson plans), as well as casual lessons.
During school holidays lessons are by booking only. There are designated days and times during school holidays to work around our holiday programs.
If you are taking regular lessons we ask you to provide your own helmet and boots. These will be provided until you are able to purchase your own.
For riders under 18 years of age, a parent must be in attendance for lessons. Our horses are limited to a weight of no more than 90kgs.
Please note: Risk warning forms must be filled out for each rider attending.
For prices please click here